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Oregano essential oil: A potent ally against MRSA and Staph infections

oregano leaves

Oregano oil is powerful against both Staph and MRSA infections.

Essential oils are one of the most versatile natural medicines that I’ve had the pleasure of using for the last 10 years or so. These natural plant essences are chemically complex and can be quite potent when it comes to killing bacteria. Of the hundreds of different essential oils, oregano oil is well documented and best known for controlling bacterial infections. It’s been used as a natural MRSA and Staph treatment. In fact, I consider oregano to be one of the “big gun” essential oils for controlling infections like Staph and MRSA, and I consider it a potent natural remedy.

What’s the best type of Oregano oil?

But you won’t find therapeutic grade oregano oil in your kitchen spice cabinet, or even your local health food store. True oregano oil comes from the plant species Oregano vulgare, which is often confused with kitchen oregano or oregano marjoram. Unlike kitchen oregano, the true oil contains natural chemical ingredients that include carvacrol, thymol, terpenes, rosemarinic and naringin. These natural ingredients give the oil its potent antibacterial and healing properties.

carvacrol“Oil pressed from oregano leaves that contain the active ingredient carvacrol may be an effective treatment against sometimes drug-resistant bacterial infection. Georgetown University researchers have found that oil of oregano appears to reduce infection “as effectively as traditional antibiotics. Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be efficacious against Staphylococcus bacteria (the bacteria responsible for MRSA) and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin.” [Science Daily 10/11/2001]


What Makes Oregano Oil Special?

The antimicrobial strength of oregano oil comes from its natural thymol and carvacrol content.

The antimicrobial strength of oregano oil comes from its natural thymol and carvacrol content.

Oregano oil has antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant and pain relieving properties. It has been used for centuries for many different health issues. The ancient Greeks used oregano oil to treat wounds, poisoning, venomous bites and headaches. This oil has also been used successfully to ease sinusitis, bronchitis and other lung related ailments.

One of the best known benefits of oregano is its strength in controlling infections. Oregano oil is quite effective at controlling Staph and MRSA, along with other common infections like candida yeast infections, E. coli and Salmonella bacteria.

The antimicrobial strength of oregano oil comes from its natural thymol and carvacrol content. Thymol is a fungicide, antiseptic and can help support the immune system. Carvacrol is a powerful bacteria killer that’s strongly active against Staph and MRSA infections as well as yeasts and molds. A carvacrol content of 70% or more can be strongly therapeutic. However, natural carvacrol content this high is very uncommon and hard to find in most commercial oregano oil products.

Almost all oregano essential oils sold today are too dilute to be of help against MRSA or Staph (they are diluted in a carrier oil or base oil) and they typically contain artificial carvacrol and other unnatural ingredients to reduce their cost. Synthetic chemicals commonly found in essential oils are often cancer-causing, so you definitely want to avoid inferior products!


Controlling MRSA & Staph with essential oils: Michelle’s 4-Part eCourse

Michelle eCourse on essential oils

Essential oils are highly potent remedies for infections but they must be used properly for maximum safety and effectiveness. Using the right grade of oils with the correct doses and precautions are especially important when taking oils internally. The fastest way to learn how to use the oils safely is from an industry expert who can walk you through the correct techniques and answer all your questions.

Michelle Moore brings you a groundbreaking four-part eCourse sharing the same oil methods from her bestselling book. In Part 2, Michelle guides you through taking essential oils orally, including methods and doses for systemic support with oregano oil. Throughout the eCourse Michelle shares her unique method to deliver a strong “1 – 2 – 3 punch” to infections using essential oils topically, internally and for home bacterial control.

Registration for the eCourse is now open and it’s free. Register today by filling out the form below and clicking the green “Register Now” button:


Is Oregano Oil Safe to Use?

High quality, wild-crafted oregano oil can provide many health benefits and has a long history of safe use. However, true therapeutic oil of oregano is a very potent antibacterial and ally to have on your side, and like any essential oil, it must be used responsibly. This oil must be diluted when used topically, as this quality of oil can cause burns on the skin if not used properly.

Oregano oil may reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron. So if you have an iron deficiency, anemia or are pregnant, oregano oil should be used with caution. The oils can also increase the flow of blood in the uterus and may be best avoided during pregnancy (ask your doctor if you have any questions). A few people can be allergic to oregano oil and should discontinue using it if symptoms like rashes, irritated skin or vomiting occur.

Additional support

Oregano is one of my favorite essential oils, and I wouldn’t consider my medicine cabinet complete without it. When it comes to Staph and MRSA infections, it’s a front-runner. If you’d like to know what brand I use, please contact me.

Additionally, the MRSA Secrets Revealed Program contains in-depth material on essential oils for Staph and MRSA, including 3 chapters devoted to understanding, finding and using oils as well as protocols, guidelines, and essential oil expert interviews. Click here for more information.

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Questions and answers


Science Daily, 10/11/2001
Journal Food Protection, Volume 64, July 2001
Journal Applied Microbiology, Volume 88, February 2000

Photo credits: Oregano – Fotolia/margo555



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Medical Disclaimer: Michelle Moore is not a doctor or healthcare practitioner, but she is someone who overcame many health obstacles that traditional medicine could not solve. This information is based upon Michelle Moore’s scientific research, education and personal experience and it is for educational purposes only. Information in this web site has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This information is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. When choosing a healthcare provider do your own research to ensure they are right for you.

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