Eucalyptus oil is a mild, highly fragrant and very useful essential oil for infections. This multipurpose oil has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune support properties.
There are hundreds of different varieties of eucalyptus, four of which are commonly available as essential oils. Eucalyptus radiata is the safest and easiest variety to use because of its lower camphor content. As with most oils, quality and purity vary wildly and only a good therapeutic grade oil should be considered as a natural antibiotic for MRSA and Staph.
Studies and history
The famous British surgeon Joseph Lister, the father of modern antiseptics, was the first to use eucalyptus oil to disinfect surgical suites. He found that the vapors of this oil greatly reduced deaths from infections. Later in life he created the product “Listerine” which contained a number of essential oils, including eucalyptus, thyme, wintergreen and peppermint.
Other doctors, including Jean Valnet M.D. and Dr. Eugene Sherry, have found eucalyptus and other oils target and kill “bad” bacteria but are harmless to “good” bacteria and people’s tissues. One study by the University of Sydney showed a combination of eucalyptus and tea tree oil killed MRSA effectively in 22 of 25 infected patients, suggesting this combination can be pretty powerful.
Using eucalyptus oil as a remedy
Oil of Eucalyptus is often used directly on wounds, cuts, and skin infections, and is generally used diluted with a carrier oil. This oil can also be added to wound wash solutions, antibacterial baths and applied under dressings. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can also aid the relief of muscle pains or itchiness when used in a bath. The antibacterial effects of shampoos, lotions and soaps can get a boost from the addition of eucalyptus (just watch it doesn’t get in your eyes).
One of the most helpful ways to use eucalyptus oil is to diffuse it into the air. Intermittent air diffusing throughout the day is a great way to help control airborne bacteria. As with any essential oil, air diffusing should be done intermittently through the day, and it should be avoided around cats, which cannot tolerate essential oils well. Dogs, on the other hand, seem to tolerate oils really well.
Controlling MRSA & Staph with essential oils: Michelle’s 4-Part eCourse
Essential oils are potent bacteria-killing agents that must be used properly for maximum safety and effectiveness. The fastest way to learn how to use the oils as infection remedies and for controlling airborne bacteria is from an industry expert who can walk you through the steps and answer all your questions.
Michelle Moore brings you a groundbreaking four-part eCourse sharing the same oil methods from her bestselling book. In Part 3, Michelle guides you through using essential oils for home bacteria control, including air diffusing essential oils to control bacteria in the air. Throughout the eCourse Michelle shares her unique method to deliver a strong “1 – 2 – 3 punch” to infections using essential oils topically, internally and for home bacterial control.
Registration for the eCourse is now open and it’s free. Register today by filling out the form below and clicking the green “Register Now” button:
Eucalyptus precautions
Because it is so mild, eucalyptus essential oil is a good choice for adults and sensitive skin areas. I can be used carefully on children. Even though this oil is fairly gentle, it should never be used on the face (especially near the nose or eyes of small children or infants), because of its intense aroma.
It should also not be used if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Eucalyptus oil should not be ingested undiluted as there are other oils and products that are better options for internal infection support.
To your best health,
Microbiologist and Natural Health Expert
Author of the recently launched Recovery Program, containing all of Michelle’s collective works on natural MRSA Staph prevention and treatment